Over 190 awards in design, architecture and interiors.


Simon Jacobsen and Jacobsen Architecture has been inducted into Forbes Magazine’s “Forbes 200-America’s Top Residential Architects.”


“Jacobsen Architecture Named Best Beach House Architect in Washington, DC” by Home Builders Digest.


“Architecture Award” for Bray House by The American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter.


Best of Houzz Design 2020 to Simon Jacobsen

Simon small.png


Best of Houzz Design 2020 to Jacobsen Architecture.



Build Magazine (UK)

Home & Garden Awards Best Architecture & Interior Design Firm - Washington D.C. Best Residential Architecture Project (Vero Beach, Florida): Kahlbetzer Residence.


Merit Award by The American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter for Interior Architecture,

“Spy House.”


"The Best of Houzz" award.

Chosen by the 40 million Houzz subscribers as their favorite design architects.


Portfolio "100 top Designers" Award

from Home & Design Magazine to Simon Jacobsen

Jacobsen Architecture, LLC


Portfolio "100 top Designers" Award

from Home & Design Magazine to Hugh Newell Jacobsen

Jacobsen Architecture, LLC


"The Best of Houzz" award.

Chosen by the 40 million Houzz subscribers as their favorite design architects.


Hugh Newell Jacobsen has been inducted into Architectural Digest's

"AD100 Hall of Fame".


The Society of American Registered Architects of Pennsylvania "Gold Award" for the "Prevailing Westerlies" Cottage in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.


"The Best of Houzz" award.

Chosen by the 32 million Houzz subscribers as their favorite design architects.


Jacobsen Architecture inducted into The AD100, Architectural Digest's list of the top 100 architects and designers in the world.


Architecture Award by The American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, 4MVR Residence, Nantucket, Massachusetts.


Architecture Award by The American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, Kahlbetzer Residence, Windsor, Florida.


Merit Award for Interior Architecture by The American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, O/K Calvert Apartment, Washington, D.C.


Merit Award for Residential Architecture by Washingtonian Magazine and AIA DC, O/K Calvert Apartment, Washington, D.C.


Jacobsen Architecture inducted into The AD100, Architectural Digest's list of the top 100 architects and designers in the world.


Award of Excellence by Home & Design Magazine, N Street Trust, Washington, D.C.


Simon Jacobsen inducted into The AD100, Architectural Digest's list of the top 100 architects and designers in the world.

Award of Excellence in Interior Architecture by the American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, N Street Trust, Washington, DC. 


Jacobsen Architecture is listed in Residential Architect Magazine's top 50 architecture and design firms.

The Washingtonian Award by Washingtonian Magazine and The American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, The Simon Jacobsen House, Washington, D.C.  

Hugh Newell Jacobsen seventh consecutive year inducted into The AD100, Architectural Digest's list of the top 100 architects and designers in the world.

Designer's Choice Award by Home & Design Magazine, awarded to Jacobsen Architecture, Washington, D.C.

Hall of Fame Architect, category awarded to Jacobsen Architecture, Washington, D.C.


Award of Excellence in Architecture by The American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, The Welles Residence, Windsor, Florida.


Simon Jacobsen presented with the Outstanding Achievers with Learning Disabilities Award from the Lab School of Washington, Washington, D.C. 

Stars of Design in association with Architectural Digest Magazine and The Decoration & Design Building of New York, awarded to Jacobsen Architecture.

Simon Jacobsen awarded Best of Remodeling Award by Washington Spaces Design Competition, Adams-Straub Residence, Washington, D.C.  

Vision Award Hugh Newell Jacobsen, FAIA Architect, by The Committee of 100 on The Federal City


Merit Award for Architecture, by The American Institute of Architects-Northern Virginia Chapter, Boxwood Winery, Middleburg, Virginia

Design Hall of Fame, by the Washington Design Center, Washington, D.C. 


Coverings Installation and Design Award, First Prize Residential, A House in Snowmass, Aspen, Colorado.  

Metal Architecture Award, Metal Roofing Design Awards, Chatham Residence, Chatham, New Jersey.

Best New House, Southern Home Awards, The Myerson Residence, Windsor, Florida.


"25 Year Award" of Excellence in Architecture, by the American Institute of Architects-Potomac Valley Chapter, The Lee Residence.  

Southern Living Home Award to Jacobsen Architecture by Southern Living Magazine.


Masterworks in Masonry Award, by The Rocky Mountain Masonry Institute, Segal Residence, Aspen, Colorado. 


Award of Excellence in Architecture, by The American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, Voorhees Residence, Nantucket, Massachusetts.   


Top 100 Designers by Architectural Digest


American Wood Counsel Award, Clarke Residence, Eastern Shore, Maryland.  


Award of Excellence in Architecture, by The American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, Windsor Residence, Florida.

Award of Excellence in Architecture, by The American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, Scheer Residence, Windsor, Florida.

DuPont Benedictus Award, Special Merit for Innovation in Architectural Laminated Glass, Scheer Residence, Windsor, Florida.  

Residential Design Award, Washingtonian Magazine, Nef Residence


Simon Jacobsen is given the Archi Award "The best architectural internet website", by Residential Architect Magazine.  


Wood Design Honor Award, by the Wood Products Promotion Council, Clark Residence, Eastern Shore, Maryland.


Inform Award, by the American Institutes of Architects Virginia Society, Forbes Residence & Gardens, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.


Inform Award, by the American Institutes of Architects Virginia Society, Mckinney Residence, Wilmington, North Carolina.  

Merit Award for Architecture, by the American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, Welles Windsor Residence, Vero Beach, Florida. 

Centennial Award to Hugh Newell Jacobsen, the highest honor the Chapter can bestow upon a member, by the American Institute of Architects- Washington Chapter.  

DuPont Benedictus Award Finalist: Commercial Category for the U.S. Capitol West Terrace, by the American Institute of Architects, the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, the International Union of Architects and DuPont.


The Southern Home Award, by Southern Living Magazine, Greene Residence, Eastern Shore, Maryland.

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, McKinney Residence, Wilmington, North Carolina.


Merit Award for Architecture, by the American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, Greene Residence, Eastern Shore, Maryland.  

Cedar Architectural Design Award, by the Western Red Cedar Lumber Association, Greene Residence, Eastern Shore, Maryland.  


Inform Award, by the American Institute of Architects Virginia Society, House in the Dominican Republic.

Merit Award in Historic Resources, by the American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, The U.S. Capitol Terrace Addition.

Merit Award, by the American Wood Council, Greene Residence, Eastern Shore, Maryland.


Tucker Architectural Award, by the Building Stone Institute, Bryan House, Butler, Maryland.

Merit Award for Architecture, by the American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, Residence at Windsor, Florida. 


Great American Homes Award, by The National Trust for Historic Preservation.


Award for Excellence in House Design, by the Architectural Record, House on the North Shore, Long Island, New York.  


Honor Award the nation's highest award for excellence in architecture, by the American Institute of Architects, Residence in the Dominican Republic.


Award for Excellence in Institutional Masonry Design, by the Masonry Contractors Association of Central Pennsylvania, Library and Learning Center at Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Grand Award for Excellence in Masonry Design, by the Masonry Contractors Association of Central Pennsylvania, Library and Learning Center at Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  

Award for Excellence in House Design, by the Architectural Record, Kahn Residence, Lima, Ohio.

Citation by the American Wood Council and Remodeling Magazine, Victorian Gazebo, Chevy Chase, Maryland.


Honor Award, The nation's highest award for excellence in architecture, by the American Institute of Architects, Tidewater House, Eastern Shore, Maryland.

Honor Award, by the American Wood Council, Private Residence, Tidewater Area of Maryland.


Award for Distinctive Residential Architecture, by the American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, Private Residence, McLean, Virginia.

Award for Excellence in House Design, by the Architectural Record, Private Residence, Tidewater Area of Maryland.


Award for Achievement of Excellence in Architecture, by the American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, Alumni Center, The University of Michigan.

Honor Award for Excellence in Design, by the American Institute of Architects mid-Atlantic Region Chapter, Alumni Center, The University of Michigan.


Award for Excellence in House Design, by the Architectural Record, Private Residence, Eastern Shore, Maryland. 

First Honor Award, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with Housing Homes for Better Living Program, Private Residence, Eastern Shore, Maryland.  


First Honor Award, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with Housing Homes for Better Living Program, Private Residence, Lexington, Kentucky.

First Honor Award, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with Housing Homes for Better Living Program, Private Residence, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Award for Excellence in House Design, by the Architectural Record, Private Residence, Central Pennsylvania.


Award for Excellence in House Design, by the Architectural Record, Private Residence, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania.

Citation for Historic Preservation and Architectural Design, by the American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, The Kingdon House.  

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, Private Residence, Washington, D.C.

Honor Award the nation's highest award for excellence in architecture, by the American Institute of Architects, Arts and Industries Museum, Washington, D.C.


Award for Excellence in House Design, by the Architectural Record, Private Residence, Wayzata, Minnesota.

First Honor Award, by the American Institute of Architects, in cooperation with House & Home and Homes for Better Living Program, Private Residence, Wayzata, Minnesota.


Honor Award the nation's highest award for excellence in Architecture, by the American Institute of Architects, The Elliott House, Chevy Chase, Maryland.  

Award for Excellence in House Design, by Architectural Record, a private Residence in Washington, D.C.


Award for Excellence in House Design, by the Architectural Record, The Elliott House, Chevy Chase, Maryland.

Award of Merit, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with House & Home and Homes for Better Living Program, The Elliott House, Chevy Chase, Maryland.  

Award of Merit for Excellence in Historic Preservation and Architectural Design, by the American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, The Elliott House, Chevy Chase, Maryland.


First Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation and Architectural Design, by the American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, Arts and Industries Building, Washington, D.C. 

Award for Excellence in House Design, by the Architectural Record, The Baker House.  


Award for Excellence in House Design, by the Architectural Record, Private Residence outside of Philadelphia.  

First Honor Award, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with House & Home and Homes for Better Living Program, Private Residence outside of Philadelphia.

Award for Excellence in Design, by the General Services Administration, The Renwick Gallery, Washington, D.C.


Honor Award the nation's highest honor award, by the American Institute of Architects-Washington Chapter, The Renwick Gallery, Washington, D.C.


Award for Excellence in House Design, by the Architectural Record, The Schwaikert House, Northwestern Connecticut.

Honor Award by the American Institute of Architects-Northern Virginia Chapter, the Proctor Harvey House


Award for Interior Design, by Institutions and Mass Feeding Magazine, Clyde's Bar, Washington, D.C.

First Honor Award, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with American Home, House & Home, and Homes for Better Living Program, The C. Woods Vest House.

Merit Award, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with American Home, House & Home, and Homes for Better Living Program, The Proctor Harvey House

Special Citation for Historic Preservation, by the American Institute of Architects-Potomac Valley Chapter, The Renwick Gallery, Washington, D.C.


Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Architectural Record, the Alexander Blumenthal House, Eastern Shore, Maryland.  

Award for Excellence in Design of Interiors, by the Architectural Record, King of the Road Motel.

Award for Excellence in Apartment Design, by the Architectural Record, Tidesfall Apartments, Columbia, Maryland.

Award of Merit, by the Bethesda Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce, The Gerald Smernoff House.

Merit Award, by the American Institute of Architects-Middle Atlantic Regional Conference, Tidesfall Apartments, Columbia, Maryland.

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade, Tidesfall Apartments, Columbia, Maryland.

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade, The Proctor Harvey House.


Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Architectural Record, the Gerald Smernoff House. 

Award for Excellence in Design of Interiors, by the Architectural Record, Clyde's Bar, Washington, D.C.


Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the American Institute of Architects-Potomac Valley Chapter, the Stephen Trentman House, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Architectural Record, the Stephen Trentman House, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.

First Honor Award, by the American Institute of Architects, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with American Home, House & Home, and Homes for Better Living Program, the Stephen Trentman House, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.

Honor Award, the nation's highest award for excellence in architecture, by the American Institute of Architects, Bolton Commons, Baltimore, Maryland. 

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the American Institute of Architects-Northern Virginia Section, the Ronald Gainer House, suburban Virginia.  

Honor Award, by the American Institute of Architects-Middle Atlantic Regional Conference, the Stephen Trentman House, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.

Honorable Mention, by the American Institute of Architects-Middle Atlantic Regional Conference, the Stuart Land House.  

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade, the Stephen Trentman House, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade, the Gerald Smernoff House.


Award for Excellence in Architecture by the Architectural Record, the Millett House, Bristol, Rhode Island. 

Honorable Mention, by the American Institute of Architects, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with American Home, House & Home, and Homes for Better Living Program, the Gainer House, Suburban Virginia.  

Award of Merit, by the American Institute of Architects-Potomac Valley Chapter, the Stephen Trentman House, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.

Honorable Mention, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with American Home, House & Home, and Homes for Better Living Program, Bolton Commons, Baltimore, Maryland.

First Honor Award, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with American Home, House & Home, and Homes for Better Living Program, the Millett House, Bristol, Rhode Island.  


Award of Merit, by the American Institute of Architects-New York Chapter, the William Shaw House.  

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Architectural Record, the James Newmyer House.

Award of Merit, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with American Home, House & Home, and Homes for Better Living Program, the James Newmyer House.

Award of Merit, by the American Institute of Architects-Baltimore Chapter and the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Baltimore, Bolton Commons, Baltimore, Maryland.  


Honorable Mention, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with American Home, House & Home, and Homes for Better Living Program, the Benjamin Thoron House.

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the American Institute of Architects-Potomac Valley Chapter, the Calvin Cafritz House, Georgetown, Washington, D.C. 

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Architectural Record, the Benjamin Thoron House.

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Washington Metropolitan Board of Trade, the James Newmyer House.

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade, the Ronald Gainer House, Suburban Virginia.  

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade, the Calvin Cafritz House, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.


Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Architectural Record, Naftalin House, Riva, Maryland.

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade, the Vest House.  

Award of Merit, by the American Institute of Architects-Baltimore Chapter and the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Baltimore, Bolton Square, Baltimore, Maryland. 

Award for Excellence in Architecture and Best in Competition, by the American Institute of Architects-Potomac Valley Chapter, the Alan Naftalin House, Riva, Maryland.  


Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Architectural Record, the Robert Shorb House.

Award of Merit, by the American Institute of Architects-New York Chapter, the Alan Naftalin House, Riva, Maryland. 

Award of Merit, by the American Institute of Architects-New York Chapter, the Robert E. Lee House.

First Honor Award, by the American Institute of Architects in cooperation with American Home, House & Home, and Homes for Better Living Program, the Alan Naftalin House, Riva, Maryland.


Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the American Institute of Architects-Potomac Valley Chapter, the Robert E. Lee House.  

Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade, the Robert Shorb House.


Award for Excellence in Architecture, by the Masonry Institute, the Harold Tager House, Bethesda, Maryland.